Where was the most recent oil spill?

Oiled-Pelican-Before-After-CleaningJust last week we heard about another oil spill near Santa Barbara, California. The situation was so bad that Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency. The spill damaged two beaches (one is Refugio State Beach), fisheries and animal habitats. It has also caused the death of sea lions, seals, and pelicans. The oil slick measures more than 9 miles long and lies next to a natural marine sanctuary and underwater preserve home to dolphins, whales, sea lions, birds and fish. The oil release was caused by a broken onshore pipeline that spewed oil down a storm drain and into the ocean. At least 105,000 gallons of oil entered the water. Again, as with other oil spills, the safety record of the company which operated the pipeline was called into question. You would think the company, Plains All American Pipeline, would have a shut off valve on its equipment.

Sometimes I just want to bang my head against a wall. How many catastrophes and dead animals do we have to have until we stop using fossil fuels? Fossil fuels are no longer the answer. We can use alternative energy, such as wind and solar, to power our cars, homes and offices. Have you ever heard of a solar or wind spill? Enough solar energy reaches the Earth in one hour to power the needs of the entire world for a full year.

Luckily, many people are helping to save and clean animals covered in oil.  Perhaps scientist Paul Stamets of Washington can help clean up the spill with his oyster mushrooms. Better yet, we could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. The time is now. Fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and pollution. We need a healthy environment, animals and ecosystems. Without them we are impoverished. Time is running out and it is urgent for each one of us to demand change.

You Make a Difference

YouThe Dalai Lama said, “Whether you believe in God or not does not matter so much, whether you believe in Buddha or not does not matter so much…whether you believe in reincarnation or not does not matter so much. You must lead a good life. And a good life does not mean just good food, good clothes, and good shelter. These are not sufficient. A good motivation is what is needed: compassion, without dogmatism, without complicated philosophy; just understanding that others are human brothers and sisters and respecting their rights and human dignity. That we humans can help each other is one of our unique human capacities. We must share in other peoples’ suffering; even if you cannot help with money, to show concern, to give moral support and express sympathy are themselves valuable. This is what should be the basis of activities; whether one calls it religion or not does not matter.”

Sometimes we think our actions do not make a difference.  They do.  You have an impact on the world. To that end, please join me and see how many of the behaviors below you can incorporate into your life.

1. Have Meatless Mondays.
2. Plant a tree in someone’s honor or give a tree as a gift.
3. Turn off your laptop or iPad when you are not using it.
4. Set your thermostat one degree warmer in the summer and one degree cooler in the winter.
5. Ride your bike to work or school.
6. Recycle your garbage.
7. Use a re-usable water bottle.
8. Install a water filter instead of buying plastic water bottles.
9. Put solar panels on your roof.
10. Plant a vegetable garden.
11. Buy organic food.
12. Do not idle your car when it is parked.
13. Bring your own re-usable bags to the grocery store instead of taking plastic ones.
14. Use public transport.
15. Walk to work.
16. Take shorter showers.
17. Turn off un-used lights.
18. Keep your lawn pesticide free.

Dolphins, oil spills, and mushrooms –what do they have in common?

Oyster_Mushroom,_Enfield,_UKI am sure many of you heard or read about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On April 20, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing 11 men and unleashing natural gas and oil into the Gulf. In fact, 134 million pounds of crude oil and 4 million pounds of gas went into the water. More than twenty species of wildlife were affected and many fishermen lost their way of life. Plus, scientists are still investigating the effects of the spill on the ecosystem.

So far, we know ongoing dolphin deaths are connected to the disaster, and 2014 witnessed dolphin deaths at four times historic levels on the coast of Louisiana. We also know 32% of laughing gulls in the Gulf died as a result of the spill, coral colonies are showing significant oil damage, 12% of brown pelicans lost their lives, and 27,000-65,000 Kemp ridley sea turtles died. Sadly, there are many more findings.

What is the good news? Scientist, Paul Stamets of Washington, has found that oyster mushrooms can eat petroleum. He is well-known for his research and has been working with the EPA, the Washington State of Transportation, the Amazon Microrenewal Project in Ecuador, and others. He even has a plan for the Fukushima nuclear disaster. After the tsunami hit in 2011 he posted “The Nuclear Forest Recovery Zone” based on the fact that mushrooms can remove and absorb heavy metals from soils.

It is time to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and move to alternative energy. Yet until we get off the fossil fuel diet, it is amazing to know that people are working on novel ways to clean up destructive chemicals and hazardous waste. Dolphins and humans can all benefit from some amazing mushrooms.

Kindness –an amazing story

disfigured_cat_rescue_6I just read a wonderful story about a 7-year-old girl in Istanbul, Turkey who recently saved a disfigured, very sick kitten. The story really touched me because this little girl dared to help when everyone else turned a blind eye to the suffering animal. Every day people would walk by the starving, crying, mite-infested kitten that had lost an ear and most of her teeth. They refused to look at the cat because, quite frankly, she was ugly and sick. Luckily, the little girl did not turn away. Instead, she took the kitten to her father. In turn they went to the animal hospital and ended up saving a life. The cat went through many surgeries but is now healthy and happy. She is named Gülümser, meaning “she who always smiles”.

disfigured_cat_rescue_10This little girl reminds us all to open our hearts and act from a bigger place. How often do we turn blind eyes to suffering and pain? How often do we try to shelter ourselves from what is unpleasant or ugly? Have you ever noticed how great it feels to do something nice for someone or an animal? Have you ever noticed that feeling goes deeper and lasts even longer than buying a new suit or eating more ice cream?

I am always amazed by genuine kindness and care. Some say kindness, care, and love are truly the only answers. This little girl opened her heart and looked beyond the ugliness. She saw beauty when others could not. Can you see beauty where there seems to be none? Can you be the person who makes a difference? Join me.