Monthly Archives: September 2015
Are you Superwoman or Superman?

Life can be so fragile and fleeting. Yet I think most of us feel we are Supermen or Superwomen. We go around with an invincible feeling and tell ourselves nothing can harm us or stand in our way. But then something happens like the death of a beloved pet or friend or parent. And we realize we cannot control or fix everything. And we realize that circumstances are not always the way we want them to be. Eventually, we come face to face with sadness and some pain in our heart.
I have found the best remedy for sadness is a walk in a forest or on the beach. I like to listen to the sway of the tree leaves and the roar of ocean waves. For me, nature is a tonic. It soothes me when I am nervous and brings me to the point where I can be my best self in difficult situations. Instead of making a poor decision out of frustration I can make a better decision from a place of center and calm.
We really do need to take very good care of our planet. It nurtures us yet we often take it for granted or do not notice it. The Earth and nature are always “there” for us. We live on a beautiful planet with magnificent oceans, rivers, and trees, and a stunning variety of tigers, lions and bears. And it is amazing that we can plant seeds in the soil and reap fruits, vegetables and all sorts of food.
I urge you to do your part; teach your children to garden and protect wild places and the animals in them. Nature nurtures us, now it is time for us nurture nature.
Some good news
1. The California Assembly passed a bill to have the state’s public employee pension systems divest from coal.
2. Enough solar reaches the Earth every hour to power the needs of the entire world for a full year.
3. The solar industry is creating jobs 20x faster than the overall US economy.
4. California was the first state to ban throw-away plastic bags.
5. Denver, Colorado has a tool library so you can borrow tools instead of buying them.
6. The Humpback whale population is on the rise and may even be removed from the endangered species list.
7. A 21-year-old, Boyan Slat, has a great plan to clean plastics from the oceans, and was crowned “Champion of the Earth”, the United Nations’ highest accolade.
8. Hawaii is going to 100% renewable energy.
9. 7 out of 10 Americans want their states to comply with the EPA’s Climate Plan.
10. General Mills is among many companies taking climate change seriously.
Your chance, will you take it?

For the past week I have had the honor, and I mean honor, to take care of a little black and gray tabby cat named Lexi. As you can see from her photo, she has pretty green eyes and a sweet look. Lexi does not belong to me and yet even after a few days I found I was growing quite attached to her. She follows me all around the house and even goes up and down the stairs multiple times as I do various chores. One thing I love is the pitter patter of her paws on the steps. Lexi knows when I am tired and it is time to go to bed, or when I am a bit grumpy and could use some cheering up. It is like I have a new best friend.
I had hesitated to take Lexi to my home when I first met her because she was sick with diarrhea and her fur felt almost greasy. But after noticing her protruding ribs and sad eyes, a part of me knew she needed more than a just a drop-in feeding and medicine dosage while her owners were on vacation. So I got permission to bring Lexi to my house. Some attention and a friendly voice seem to be working their magic on this precious animal. The diarrhea is going away, she has put on some weight, and her fur feels like it should. I don’t think I am imagining it, her eyes also seem brighter and happier.
When Lexi’s owner comes to pick her up I am sure it will be a bittersweet moment for me. I know I will miss this little cat which unexpectedly came into my world. And I realize that life often provides us with so many chances to widen our circles. Here was my chance. What is yours? I could have not brought Lexi into my home, but by doing so I feel so much richer. She probably gave me much more than I feel I gave her, and she truly touched my heart.