On Fire

Pacific Palisades, California

Many people have been affected by the recent fires around Los Angeles, California. More than 27 people have perished and over 12,000 buildings have been destroyed. Some people lost everything and got out with only a change of clothes, a laptop, and important documents. When my friend called me crying and told me of her loss, I cried too. It felt deep and visceral. It unearthed me. It felt vulnerable, tragic and sad. And it felt scary. How often do we take things for granted? Big things, little things. Drinking tea out of our favorite cup. Putting on a favorite sweater. Being able to talk to a friend next door. This life is not for wimps. Take solace in each day’s blessings. Be grateful for what you have. Tomorrow is not promised.

One of my yoga teachers sent this poem by Canadian poet Rupi Kaur. Maybe it will give you some solace.

“They could take away
everything we have
and we’d conjure this
beautiful life up all over again
with the bones in our backs
building an empire
from the ground up
is exactly what we’re good at”