A Child’s Delight

Children with a PuppyThis past week I had the honor to be the object of a child’s wonder and delight.  I remember, I was sitting outside having lunch with a colleague.  It was a beautiful, sunny day with a clear blue sky and the temperature was about 75 degrees.  A group of four to five-year old children had just gone swimming and they passed our table.  I saw them and asked, “how was your swim?”.  A little Asian girl with big brown eyes looked straight at me and said, “Great!”.  She then blurted, “Wow, you work there!”.  I was not quite sure how she had figured out where I was working but I was not surprised.

Children have an innate knowledge and trust their feelings.  They also have an amazing ability to touch us and keep us on track.  They remind us to be present and mindful.  And children inspire us to take good care of one another and the natural world.  We live in incredible times.  Let us protect our children, and the planet, and treat them well.