A True Honor

CRP image2For the past several years Vice President Al Gore and his nonprofit organization, The Climate Reality Project, have been working tirelessly to teach people about the reality of climate change and empower them to become climate leaders. Trainings are held annually in places such as San Francisco, Chicago, Istanbul, and Sao Paolo.  Additionally, they are sometimes offered several times in one year. Now there are over 8,000 Climate Leaders worldwide, representing over 186 countries.

I had the honor and pleasure to recently work, again, as a Mentor with Vice President Gore at a Miami training conference. We educated people of all ages and from all walks of life. These people included doctors, lawyers, high school students, retirees, photographers, independent business owners, teachers, executives, administrators, and politicians. They are planting trees and gardens, installing solar panels, saving dolphins and seals, running for elected office, and producing television programs.

I have said it before, now is the time to make a difference. Be the one to reduce your carbon footprint. Be the one to reduce your family’s consumption patterns. Be the one who ensures a safe and livable planet for your children. Stand up for what is right. There is no time to waste.