Why are Bobcats, Coyotes, and Owls Are So Amazing?

Eurasian Lynx

Did you ever marvel in wonder at an owl’s ability to completely turn its head around? I always have. Owls can turn their heads almost 360 degrees –to be exact they can turn their heads a maximum of 270 degrees. Or did you know bobcats are excellent swimmers? When you think of cats you probably think of domestic cats, most of whom do not dare to swim. And what about coyotes, did you know they like fruit and vegetables? They do.

Animals mean so much to many of us and through the help of my blogs, my goal is to help you to see new ways of looking at things or get involved in protecting the precious few animals which remain on the Earth. I have already told you, we are in the midst of one of the greatest extinctions on the planet. Each day we lose large mammals in the ocean and on land. And I just heard that bobcats, coyotes and owls are suffering and dying on the west coast, in California, because of certain rat poisons. Sadly, many neighborhoods in the Santa Monica area are using second generation toxic poisons to control rat populations. The poisons are toxic because they are making their way up the food chain. They kill the rats but also kill the animals which eat the rat carcasses And that means bobcats, coyotes, and owls are dying. As Julie Schowitz, resident of Newbury Park put it, “the insanity of it all is that in trying to wipe out rats they are killing the very animals that keep rat populations under control.” The poison causes deathly internal bleeding and destroys precious, intelligent, and beautiful creatures.

Our behavior can have such devastating effects on animals and others. Please, think about your actions and the lives of those around you. Your decisions spread far and wide, and have life or death consequences.