I hope you all had a nice summer and enjoyed some time with your loved ones. There is so much hard news out there and devastating forest fires in Canada, the United States, Greece, Spain, Croatia and Vietnam. People and animals have lost their homes, and many died from smoke inhalation. And yet, I remain hopeful that we can turn this situation around. There are so many people working to mitigate climate change and make sure that the Earth’s temperatures stop rising and start to decline. So, this is message which is meant to be encouraging in its nature. In the words of so many, we can do this. We each, individually, and collectively, can make a difference to help our fellow humans, and the precious animals of the world. Please reduce your carbon footprints, eat less meat, consume less, and take a walk in a forest or swim in the ocean. I have said it previously, each minute counts. Each one of us matters, and we can positively impact the future.
Category Archives: Children
Vote because you care about your children’s future.
Vote because you care about your grandchildren’s future.
Vote to protect wild animals and endangered species.
Vote to keep families together.
Vote because women are human beings and not sex objects.
Vote to stand for a unified country.
Vote to bring people together and not tear them apart.
Vote because you care.
Please vote, your voice matters!
Thank you.
Previously published in 2018
Join in
Please join the Global Climate Strike on Friday, September 20th. Greta Thunberg, who I featured in an earlier blog, will be there. Climate change affects all of us, and we have to stand up for the animals and children of this world.
WHERE: Union Square, NY, NY
WHEN: 12pm, September 20, 2019
WHO: You, your friends, your family, your co-workers
Amazing 16 Year-old
On Monday, April 15, 2019 a sixteen year old schoolgirl from Sweden said politicians were failing to take enough action on climate change and the threats to the natural world.
She told a room full of MEPs and EU officials in Strasbourg, “Our house is falling apart and our leaders need to start acting accordingly because at the moment they are not.”
When the young climate activist spoke of a “sixth mass extinction”, her voice faltered. “The extinction rate is up to six times faster than what is considered normal, with up to 200 species becoming extinct every single day,” she said. “Erosion of fertile topsoil, deforestation of the rainforest, toxic air pollution, loss of insects and wildlife, acidification of our oceans – these are all disastrous trends.”
Who is Greta Thunberg?
Greta Thunberg gained notice when she began a solo climate protest by striking from school in Sweden in August of 2018. She has since been joined by tens of thousands of school and university students in Australia, Belgium, Germany, the United States, Japan and more than a dozen other countries.
In December of 2018, at the United Nations climate conference, she said world leaders were behaving like irresponsible children. And in January 2019 she hit on the global business elite in Davos: “Some people, some companies, some decision-makers in particular, have known exactly what priceless values they have been sacrificing to continue making unimaginable amounts of money. And I think many of you here today belong to that group of people.”
Thunberg said “you are never too small to make a difference,” she said. Her protests have been inspired by US students who staged walk-outs to demand better gun controls in the wake of school shootings.
VOTE because you care about your children’s future.
Vote because you care about your grandchildren’s future.
Vote to protect wild animals and endangered species.
Vote to keep families together.
Vote because women are human beings and not sex objects.
Vote to stand for a unified country.
Vote to bring people together and not tear them apart.
Vote because you care.
Please vote, your voice matters!
Thank you.
A Young Woman and Her Video
Whether we know it or not, we all affect one another and are responsible for one another. Yet we often close our eyes and go about our own daily business. In this time, and in this world, we must realize we are responsible for the well-being of a complete stranger and of the smallest animal. Once we recognize how inter-connected we are only will this world become a better place.
Take a moment and ask yourself, ‘How can I make a difference? When you have your answer, go out and do it.
Please watch and share this heartfelt video from a young ballerina.
Thank you.
Good news
As you know, I am a big fan of reducing carbon footprints and moving towards 100% use of solar and wind energy. Since President Barack Obama left office, there has been a lot of change at the presidential level, and a lot of news has been downright depressing, to put it mildly. That said, there is good news.
A couple of weeks ago I had the honor to be a mentor and work with Vice President Al Gore and the Climate Reality Leadership Corps. More than 1,300 people came together in Pittsburgh to learn the truth about the climate crisis and how to spread solutions. It was amazing to meet fellow mentors and individuals (young and old) from all walks of life and hear what inspires them to make a positive difference in this world.
We have a moral obligation and duty, to speak up for what is right and secure the future. There is no time to waste and there has never been a more urgent time for action than now. Please join so many of us who are pushing towns and cities to go 100 percent renewable, protecting key environmental policies, and helping businesses be more sustainable.
The future lies in maintaining a livable planet. As I have said before, your children are counting on you, and so are the animals. Thank you for taking action and for your courage.
Go See It!!
Please go see this important film.
President Donald Trump versus President John F. Kennedy
Today President Trump decided to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord. He did so because he believes that the accord imposes “draconian financial” and other burdens on the country and because he believes it would “kill jobs” and cause lost revenues. When I heard him speak I was greatly saddened. He said he is fulfilling his “solemn duty to protect America and its citizens”. He is not protecting us; in fact, his decision puts all of us at great risk! Proven scientific evidence is clear, climate change is real and climate related disasters are occurring at every turn.
Trump’s decision has caused angst among Republicans, Democrats, members of his own staff, global leaders, corporate heads, and families. So I shall repeat the words of President John F. Kennedy, ”ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Each one of us must stand up and do what is right for children and animals. We must reduce our carbon footprints. We must call our elected officials and urge them to support wind and solar energy. We must be leaders in our own way and help protect the very planet we call home. As I have said before, I urge you to make a positive difference in the world. Time is of the essence.
Your World Depends On It!
In the words of one of someone I admire and respect, former Vice President Al Gore, “Fight Like Your World Depends On It!”