Category Archives: Climate Change


Child being examined by juvenile kangaroo

An article in “The New York Times” entitled “Time To Panic” by David Wallace-Wells stuck me by its forthright and urgent appeal to all of us. It is time to make policy changes and alter our lives now. Otherwise, we most certainly will enter a period of true catastrophe. We cannot just simply have meatless Mondays or drive Toyota Prius cars. It is time for new policies to be implemented by politicians all around the world. The answer lies in significantly raising fuel efficiency standards for all cars. It also lies in making sure high speed rail lines are available for use. The answer is also found in making sure farmers feed their cattle seaweed. That alone would cut methane emissions by 60%. Remember, methane, a greenhouse gas, is more potent than carbon dioxide by 30 times.

Mr. Wallace-Wells said it well, the purpose of politics is “that we can be and do better together than we might manage as individuals”. Here is the warning. It is time, before it is too late, for Trump and anyone else who denies climate change to be removed from office. Our children and the animals are counting on it.

Don’t Miss Your Chance

Child being examined by juvenile kangaroo

Hello Everyone.  Please don’t miss your chance to stand up in support of science and the environment.

This year there are two important marches.  The “March for Science” will be held on April 22nd which is Earth Day, and the “People’s Climate March” will be held on April 29th.  The marches will be in Washington, DC and there will be sister marches across the United States and in the rest of the world.

Remember, children and animals are counting on you!

For more information please click on the links below or get in touch with your local community organizers.  Thank you.

To Vote or Not to Vote on Election Day

VoteElection day in the United States will soon be here, in fact it is on Tuesday.  As I have said so many times before, your actions and your voice matter.  You have a choice to cast your ballot or not.  If you say it does not matter, think of your children, nieces or nephews, or the animal kingdom.  Imagine what they would say to you 10 years down the line if the wrong presidential candidate goes into office.  What if they say you did not care to think about their future?

We have the opportunity to choose between two very different people.  One (Donald Trump) does not believe in climate change and the other (Hillary Clinton) does.  One incites violence and hatred, and the other speaks of bringing people together.

A Trump world is one where immigrants are unwelcome.  A Trump world is one where women are mere objects and are “nasty”.  A Trump world is one where climate change catastrophes worsen, where the middle class continues to shrink, and where nature and its animals are abused and unprotected.  Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, understands the urgency in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change.  She believes in equal pay among the sexes.  She understands we cannot build walls between our neighbors or sow enmity.

There is no doubt, this election will change the course of history.

I urge you to vote for Hillary Clinton.  I urge you stand up for what is right.  I urge you to join me and make a positive difference.  Thank you.

Film4Climate Video Competition


The Film4Climate Global Video Competition invites filmmakers between the ages of 14-35 years old from all over the world to showcase their talents and create a Public Service Advertisement (PSA) (less than 1 minute) or a Short Film (1-5 minutes) about climate action.

Prizes will be awarded.

The video should show:

What does climate change mean to you?
What are you doing to solve the climate challenge?
What is your climate message to the world?

For more information go to and submit your video by September 15th.

Politics and Climate Change – Does it Matter?

Kids in the Park

Yes, politics do matter and so does mitigating climate change.  Both are intertwined.  As our planet heats up it affects our economy, our health, our children, our political representatives and our future.  The November elections in the United States will soon be here.  I urge you to make sure you are registered to vote.  I urge you to vote on November 8th.  Your vote is important.  Please don’t tell me your vote does not matter.  It does.  Now is not the time to sit on your hands and do nothing.  Wildfires are raging across Oregon and California, and animals and people are tragically dying.  Ashes in the sky, burned homes and black carcasses come to mind.  It is time to vote for the candidates who are speaking about climate change and doing something about it.  It is time to support them.  It is easy to be angry.  But I ask you to think about the future.  Think of your child or grandchild.  Who do you want them to have as a role model?  Do you want fear and hatred to be the model or do you want intelligence and sanity to be the model?  Do you want your children and grandchildren to live a good life and be happy?  I know you want them to play in the park.  So, do your part, go out and vote.  You matter, we matter, and so do children of the world.  Thank you.

Racing Extinction

Last week I had the chance to watch the film “Racing Extinction”.  It tells the amazing story of people who are making a difference, saving and protecting animals every day.  These people include race car drivers, former chief executive officers, artists and scientists.  Don’t miss it.