Category Archives: Oil spills

Where was the most recent oil spill?

Oiled-Pelican-Before-After-CleaningJust last week we heard about another oil spill near Santa Barbara, California. The situation was so bad that Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency. The spill damaged two beaches (one is Refugio State Beach), fisheries and animal habitats. It has also caused the death of sea lions, seals, and pelicans. The oil slick measures more than 9 miles long and lies next to a natural marine sanctuary and underwater preserve home to dolphins, whales, sea lions, birds and fish. The oil release was caused by a broken onshore pipeline that spewed oil down a storm drain and into the ocean. At least 105,000 gallons of oil entered the water. Again, as with other oil spills, the safety record of the company which operated the pipeline was called into question. You would think the company, Plains All American Pipeline, would have a shut off valve on its equipment.

Sometimes I just want to bang my head against a wall. How many catastrophes and dead animals do we have to have until we stop using fossil fuels? Fossil fuels are no longer the answer. We can use alternative energy, such as wind and solar, to power our cars, homes and offices. Have you ever heard of a solar or wind spill? Enough solar energy reaches the Earth in one hour to power the needs of the entire world for a full year.

Luckily, many people are helping to save and clean animals covered in oil.  Perhaps scientist Paul Stamets of Washington can help clean up the spill with his oyster mushrooms. Better yet, we could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. The time is now. Fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and pollution. We need a healthy environment, animals and ecosystems. Without them we are impoverished. Time is running out and it is urgent for each one of us to demand change.

Dolphins, oil spills, and mushrooms –what do they have in common?

Oyster_Mushroom,_Enfield,_UKI am sure many of you heard or read about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On April 20, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing 11 men and unleashing natural gas and oil into the Gulf. In fact, 134 million pounds of crude oil and 4 million pounds of gas went into the water. More than twenty species of wildlife were affected and many fishermen lost their way of life. Plus, scientists are still investigating the effects of the spill on the ecosystem.

So far, we know ongoing dolphin deaths are connected to the disaster, and 2014 witnessed dolphin deaths at four times historic levels on the coast of Louisiana. We also know 32% of laughing gulls in the Gulf died as a result of the spill, coral colonies are showing significant oil damage, 12% of brown pelicans lost their lives, and 27,000-65,000 Kemp ridley sea turtles died. Sadly, there are many more findings.

What is the good news? Scientist, Paul Stamets of Washington, has found that oyster mushrooms can eat petroleum. He is well-known for his research and has been working with the EPA, the Washington State of Transportation, the Amazon Microrenewal Project in Ecuador, and others. He even has a plan for the Fukushima nuclear disaster. After the tsunami hit in 2011 he posted “The Nuclear Forest Recovery Zone” based on the fact that mushrooms can remove and absorb heavy metals from soils.

It is time to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and move to alternative energy. Yet until we get off the fossil fuel diet, it is amazing to know that people are working on novel ways to clean up destructive chemicals and hazardous waste. Dolphins and humans can all benefit from some amazing mushrooms.

Children, Dolphins & Oil Spills

Over the summer the Obama administration announced the authorization of the use of sonic cannons along the Eastern Seaboard, from Florida to Maine, for oil and gas exploration. This is the first time in decades that the area would be opened. The cannons shoot sound waves and allow companies to locate oil and gas deposits. Sadly, these sound waves are 100 times louder than a jet engine and could harm/kill 138,000 sea mammals such as dolphins, turtles and whales. This is certainly not what we need to be doing. Instead, the administration should be announcing federally subsidized rebates for solar panels and a revenue neutral carbon tax.

Did you ever watch a dolphin as it gracefully arcs in the water or a whale as it surfaces? Have you ever seen a seal as it swims its way northward? Oil and gas exploration are not the answer. We do not need to rely on oil. Solar energy is a much cleaner, safer solution. Every hour the sun shines on to the Earth more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs for a year. Have you ever heard of a solar spill? Will you let your child build a sand castle next to an oil spill? It is time for positive change. It is time to stand up to protect our oceans and our environment. Tell elected officials where you stand.  Your children are counting on you. Sea mammals are counting on you. I am counting on you.