It is time for some good news and a suggestion for how you can even save some money.
Many of you may already be aware of the fossil fuel divestment movement which is spreading across the United States and the rest of the world. For those of you who are not familiar with the movement, it is a movement which encourages investors (large and small) to remove their investments from publicly listed coal, gas and oil companies. So, if you own a mutual fund which holds oil company shares you would sell that fund and buy another mutual fund which has no fossil fuel shares. One purpose of the movement is to combat climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere and to hold fossil fuel companies responsible for the role they play in climate change.
Getting to the good news, more and more institutions are selling their fossil fuel investments. The list includes Stanford University, the University of Hawaii, and the University of Maine. And it includes cities such as Boulder, Colorado; Providence, Rhode Island; and the city of Moreland in Australia. But the list does not end there, for there are churches of all faiths and various foundations which have divested. What is most telling to me is that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund has divested. If the Rockefeller Brothers Fund has made their decision, so can you. And here is how you can save some money. Sell your fossil fuel investments before their share prices go any lower. I am willing to bet fossil fuel stock prices will continue to drop. If they do, and you have sold your shares, you will be ahead of the game.
Historically, there have been other successful divestment movements. One, which comes to mind, helped end apartheid in South Africa. The fossil fuel divestment campaign is already proving to be successful. Join me and many others, and be part of it.