Election day in the United States will soon be here, in fact it is on Tuesday. As I have said so many times before, your actions and your voice matter. You have a choice to cast your ballot or not. If you say it does not matter, think of your children, nieces or nephews, or the animal kingdom. Imagine what they would say to you 10 years down the line if the wrong presidential candidate goes into office. What if they say you did not care to think about their future?
We have the opportunity to choose between two very different people. One (Donald Trump) does not believe in climate change and the other (Hillary Clinton) does. One incites violence and hatred, and the other speaks of bringing people together.
A Trump world is one where immigrants are unwelcome. A Trump world is one where women are mere objects and are “nasty”. A Trump world is one where climate change catastrophes worsen, where the middle class continues to shrink, and where nature and its animals are abused and unprotected. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, understands the urgency in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. She believes in equal pay among the sexes. She understands we cannot build walls between our neighbors or sow enmity.
There is no doubt, this election will change the course of history.
I urge you to vote for Hillary Clinton. I urge you stand up for what is right. I urge you to join me and make a positive difference. Thank you.