An article in “The New York Times” entitled “Time To Panic” by David Wallace-Wells stuck me by its forthright and urgent appeal to all of us. It is time to make policy changes and alter our lives now. Otherwise, we most certainly will enter a period of true catastrophe. We cannot just simply have meatless Mondays or drive Toyota Prius cars. It is time for new policies to be implemented by politicians all around the world. The answer lies in significantly raising fuel efficiency standards for all cars. It also lies in making sure high speed rail lines are available for use. The answer is also found in making sure farmers feed their cattle seaweed. That alone would cut methane emissions by 60%. Remember, methane, a greenhouse gas, is more potent than carbon dioxide by 30 times.
Mr. Wallace-Wells said it well, the purpose of politics is “that we can be and do better together than we might manage as individuals”. Here is the warning. It is time, before it is too late, for Trump and anyone else who denies climate change to be removed from office. Our children and the animals are counting on it.
Very well stated Nicole, and yes, it is time.